Technological Notarial Act


Your current subscription, whether individual, business or Enterprise, still allows you to sign private deeds or service offers at a cost that could be advantageous depending on your type of practice, your volume of transactions or the size of your organization.

Regular plans also offer features separate from those offered for the by the Chambre des notaires platform that may be important to you.

However, if you prefer to use only the dedicated ConsignO Cloud tenant set up exclusively for the Chambre des notaires for all of your acts, contact us to end your regular subscription. You will then be reimbursed pro rata over the past months and will be billed $ 2.25 for each signature project launched from the ConsignO Cloud platform for notaries.

For technological notarial acts you MUST use the ConsignO Cloud instance dedicated to the Chambre des notaires  (

All technological notarial acts must be MANDATORILY done via the ConsignO Cloud platform dedicated to the Chambre des notaires ( and according to the procedure provided by the Chambre des notaires. It is a requirement.

Private deeds, other documents or service offers can be made on the tenant of the Chambre des notaires or even in another private ConsignO Cloud account (Individual, Business, Enterprise) to which you may have subscribed.

If in doubt for a specific act, consult the Chambre des notaires du Québec.

Unfortunately, no. It is not possible to migrate projects from one account to another. If you wish to use only the platform of the Chambre des notaires and close your regular subscription, it is then recommended to download all of your current projects (documents and audit logs) and save them locally on your workstation, your case management software or your archives.

It is also possible to cancel current projects. You will then have to create them and launch them again on the new instance.

It is also possible to export your address book from your checking account and re-import it back into the new instance. Use the Export CSV / Import CSV function from your address book.